Introduction to the economics of european Studienführer, Klassennotizen & Zusammenfassungen

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Part 1 Summary: Economics of Entrepreneurship
  • Part 1 Summary: Economics of Entrepreneurship

  • Zusammenfassung • 54 Seiten • 2021
  • if you would like all articles, they are in the bundle, see my account. Summary of Economics of Entrepreneurship including 17 articles and 1 web series: All articles from the course manual exclusing: W1: Wennekers & Thurik W6: Scheepers et al. W7: Massa et al. (lecture: Teachers said that this one was not very important and might be excluded as they did not mention it in lecture or tutorial) Sheppard (tutorial) full list: Alvarez, S. A., & Barney, J. B. (2007). Discovery and creation:...
  • 8,99 €
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Economics of Entrepreneurship - Summary
  • Economics of Entrepreneurship - Summary

  • Zusammenfassung • 27 Seiten • 2021
  • This summary entails all the required readings for the course Economics of Entrepreneurship given in the second year of the study. Everything is included except Foss et al. (2019). This is a very brief summary of all the articles, entailing the main points, findings and definitions of the papers, books, articles and/or keywords. Note that some things are copied instead of rephrased since the original explanation/phrasing is the best one in my opinion. This summary summarizes the articles, pap...
  • 7,99 €
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